Saturday 30 June 2012

The lame game

Here’s a trivia: I don’t play basketball. That’s an embarrassing fact for a boy like me yet I share that information with you because I know that it doesn’t make me less of a man. What’s more embarrassing, though, is that the first time I played basketball with my friends, I was so lame I didn’t play it right.

Good thing, my friends were lame, too when we had our “dumb” game.

My friends Anissa, Will, Jane, Al, and Marie Lyn, out of sheer boredom when we were in Baritao, Manaoag, decided to play basketball in a makeshift court on the yard of Marie Lyn’s kin.

We divided ourselves into two groups: Jane, Marie Lyn and I were one team, and Anissa, Will and Al formed the other. The deal was the winning group would receive a Gatorade drink from the losing group.  And so the game began.

If you were watching us, you wouldn’t recognize what we were doing as a game. It was a total disaster, a complete violation of all the rules in a real basketball game. There were lots of pushing and pulling (yeah, I did that the whole time), blatant snatching of the ball (I would beat the arms of the other team when they would not give me the ball) and incompetent rebounds. And we were laughing for the whole duration of the game.

Only Al knew how to play properly, but though he was on the other side, my team won. So, the next day, my team mates and I had a Big Gulp of Gatorade at 7 Eleven.

We were lame players and we really looked stupid while playing, but we had fun. Well, that exactly was the aim of our game, to have fun. Too bad we didn’t have anyone to capture it on video. Nevertheless, the moment was stored in our minds and hearts.

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