Wednesday 13 June 2012

Birthday surprise

A list of first times

Note: Succeeding posts will be about first time experiences since I turned 20. Read on!

If it were not my birthday, January 7, 2012 would have been just a typical Saturday—I get up, eat breakfast, and spend the rest of the day doing my homeworks (or just sleeping). It’s not every day that I receive surprises, so when one came later that night, my birthday became extraordinary. And it was the happiest birthday so far.

I love surprises, so every time I make some for my loved ones and see the smiles on their faces, I feel very glad and fulfilled. The appreciation is evident and it sends a warm feeling to my heart.

I, however, seldom receive surprises, so when it’s my turn to get some, the happiness multiplies to a hundred.

That night, I was with my cousin Allan in Pampanga when he took me to his sister’s disco bar. We were drinking beer and chatting when all of a sudden, one of the personnel brought out from the kitchen a tiny chocolate cake with a lit candle on top.  Then, the DJ played the birthday song and I understood—it was a birthday surprise! (Seriously, it took me a while to get what it really was for?? How slow could I get?)

Yummy cake!
The best part, though, was what followed the cake and the blowing of the candle. A shot of tequila completed the surprise. Since it was also my first time to drink tequila, I got excited, so in one fluid motion, I licked the salt, gulped down the tequila, and squeezed the lime into my mouth. The burning sensation down my throat made me say, “Wow” and the effect was quick. Here came dizziness. That birthday surprise explained why my cousin kept going in and out of the kitchen.

What made my day happier was the family outing at Poracay Resort in Porac, Pampanga earlier. I was with my grandmom, aunts and cousins. That was not arranged for my birthday, since few of them knew it was my birthday, but it, being incidentally set exactly on my birthday, made my day extremely fun and a thousand times worth remembering.

With my family at Poracay Resort, Porac, Pampanga. That was truly a fun-filled day.
Fresh water continuously flows on the swimming pools.

Enjoying the lagoon aboard a raft--my favorite part.

Life is not as good as we want and wish it to be, but receiving sweet surprises proves that it really is beautiful after all the hardwork and stress we feel. Surprises, no matter how small, appear to be great rewards for persevering in different tasks we sometimes see as burden. And, the best part of it is that it makes us love the people who make them for us after they show us just how thoughtful they are, how much they care for us, and how they love us so much that they exert some effort to make us happy even on ordinary days.

And yeah, it was my first time to receive a birthday surprise

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