Saturday 24 November 2012


What's life after college?

Someone told me that life in college is way happier than what you had in high school because it’s when you’ll meet people who will become your friends for life.

I disagreed. In high school, you meet friends who will keep you laughing till you drop, push you when you’re feeling stupidly nervous during competitions and comfort you when you feel like the world has turned its back on you. Of course, let’s not forget the fact that you get to meet someone special whom you will never want to lose even for a second.

With all the perks, how can another chapter in life be happier than high school?

I’ve been in college for three years and a semester already and gained a lot of experiences. I met friends who have always been there when I want to hangout somewhere. I’ve met professors and instructors with varying teaching styles. Some are good. Others are just as mediocre as their students. Still others pretend that they are the best when in fact their students can outsmart them. I’ve copied from my seatmates during quizzes and exams when I failed to review the night before because of the pile of tasks I had to finish. I absented myself from a class or two to finish some work for our productions in our major mass communication subjects. There were nights I spent at a classmate’s house without planning to when there’s work left to be accomplished. Sometimes, even without clothes to change. I’ve felt the pressure, the stress and the exhaustion of being a college student.

We combined fun and work during stressful preparations for productions.

I've already met different people, made new friends, been to various places.
Believe it or not, I am happy. And guess what? These experiences changed my belief. I started to agree with what that person told me. Indeed, college life is way happier. But that’s still an understatement because college life is actually the best part of studying. I got to enjoy a lot of things and did many things I never did when I was in high school like copying during quizzes and exams. Of course I cannot forget the fact that I’ve met someone I really love and will always love to have beside me for the rest of the road. But, aside from the enjoyment and the escapades, I learned to become mature enough to better prepare myself for the life waiting for me outside school.

With only one semester to go before I finally leave the university (yes, I am claiming it, I will graduate this March), I’ve decided to prophesy about the life my friends and I will have several years after graduation. How many of us will make it big in the real world? When and where and how will we meet again? At what age will we settle down and finally decide to live life with a happy family?

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you a class prophecy of my own creation, a novel I titled “Senioritis.” (First chapter will appear on my next post.)

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