Wednesday 26 September 2012

#5: Feasting on films

The splatter s of the raindrops on the roof awoke me made me jump out of bed.

Oh my God. What time is it?

I snatched my phone from the bedside table and checked the time.

10:30 am. What?! I’m already late for school!

Without thinking twice, I immediately grabbed my towel and prepared for a bath. Then, as if waking up from a daydream, I suddenly stopped on my track as a realization hit me hard in the head.

It’s Saturday. No school.

Thank heavens! I got some time to rest after a whole week’s worth of seemingly infinite school works that almost made me a nocturnal being.

I got one hell of a week, so time to reap my reward for the hardwork I poured. Walking back towards the bedroom, I switched my personal computer, browsed through the movies I saved on it and clicked the play button.

So, yeah, when I got time to spare, I grab the opportunity to watch good films for of course, entertainment’s sake. I have developed this interest in films a few years back. Watching movies is like reading novels, since both tell a story although in different formats. While novels use mere words that create a new world in your mind, movies use sounds and visuals that take you to the new world projected in your mind as if you were in the scene physically. But just the same, both make your heart race and once you’ve started, you hardly find the reason to stop.

Movies, just like literary works, are a representation of real-life events, exaggerated and carefully arranged in a manner prefect for story telling. Life, however, is not a movie which you can edit, rewind, skip scenes, or pause. You live it now with all its complications without the certainty that the resolution will come.

Life does not follow a script. Scenes do not start at the snap of the clapper and ends when the director shouts, “Cut!” They continuously flow and transpire. You don’t memorize the lines; you speak them spontaneously.

No, that's not me in the picture (winks). I've grown to love the Harry Potter films back in second year college. The series have opened a new world for me. Somewhere I want to be should I have a second life.

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